Location pre-spotted by Film France network
updated: 07/17/2017
Hotel Le Moulin du Vey - Clecy
14570 Clecy
Contact the commission

Normandy Film Commission - locations of Calvados and Manche

| +33 (0)2 31 06 23 23

Hotel Le Moulin du Vey - Clecy
14570 Clecy
Contact the commission

Normandy Film Commission - locations of Calvados and Manche

| +33 (0)2 31 06 23 23

Credits: BAT Basse-Normandie
Caption: 04/04/2017 / Salle de réception
Credits: BAT Basse-Normandie
Caption: 04/04/2017 / Salle de réception
Credits: BAT Basse-Normandie
Caption: 04/04/2017 / Salle de réception
Credits: BAT Basse-Normandie
Caption: 04/04/2017 / Barrage vu de l'hôtel
Credits: BAT
Caption: 07/2002
Location type
General presentation
Location Condition Type
Well maintained
Location History
On the banks of the Orne, between Clécy and Vey existed since the Middle Ages 5 grain mills: Ham Mill, Moulin de la Lande, the Moulin du Vey, Cantepie Mill, The Mill Landelle . They are attested in the fifteenth. The mill Vey, located between the ford and Motte, had, like the first mills to vertical wheel, being built and fitted with its floor and the mill, and a fishery, from the twelfth since it is source of income important taken from the milling of corn.
Construction period
XVIIIth Century
Dominant style