Location type
General presentation
Location Condition Type
Well maintained
Location History
The École des Beaux-arts is made up of a vast complex of buildings located at 14 rue Bonaparte, between the quai Malaquais and the rue Bonaparte, in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Près, just across the Seine from the Louvre museum. Founded in 1648 by Charles Le Brun as the Académie de peinture et de sculpture (the famed French Academy). In 1793, the institutes were suppressed, but in 1816, the name was changed when it merged with the Académie d'architecture. Held in the King's tutelage until 1863, an imperial decree of November 13, 1863 named the school's director, who serves for a five-year term. Long supervised by the Ministry of Public Instruction, the Ecole des beaux-arts is now a public establishment.
Construction period
XIXth Century
Dominant style
Second Empire
Remarkable architectural elements
Arch - Arcade,
Macaron - Medal,