Location pre-spotted by Film France network
updated: 11/09/2023
Alfort Veterinary School
94700 Maisons Alfort
Contact the commission

Film Paris Region, Ile-de-France Film Commission


Alfort Veterinary School
94700 Maisons Alfort
Contact the commission

Film Paris Region, Ile-de-France Film Commission


Credits: Film Paris Region - Valérie Novel
Caption: École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort - Cour d'honneur
Credits: Film Paris Region - Valérie Novel
Caption: École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort - Cour d'honneur
Credits: Film Paris Region - Valérie Novel
Caption: École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort - Cour d'honneur
Credits: Film Paris Region - Valérie Novel
Caption: École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort - Cour d'honneur
Credits: Film Paris Region - Valérie Novel
Caption: École nationale vétérinaire d'Alfort - Cour d'honneur
Location type
General presentation

The École Nationale Vétérinaire d'Alfort (EnvA) has been based in Maisons-Alfort since 1766 and covers 12 hectares. It is a public institution of higher education and research.
The school boasts a variety of settings, from amphitheaters and atypical 19th-century buildings to more recent, modern premises.

Location Condition Type
Well maintained
Location History
The EnvA is the oldest veterinary school in the world still on its original site.

The veterinary school was founded in the spring of 1765, four years after the one in Lyon. In March 1764, Claude Bourgelat, lawyer and equerry holding the Académie d'Equitation de Lyon, approached Henri Léonard Jean Baptiste Bertin, ex-intendant de la Génalité de Lyon and Controller General of Finances under Louis XV, to move the school from Lyon to Paris.
Initially located in the north of Paris, in the parish of La Chapelle (now rue Philippe-de-Girard in the 10th arrondissement), the school was too small. The Château d'Alfort property, purchased from the Baron de Bormes, was more suitable for the school due to its location and the size of its grounds. The deed of sale was signed in 1765, and teaching began there in 1766.

Some of the EnvA's buildings are protected as historic monuments.
Construction period
XIXth Century,
XVIIIth Century